Annapolis High School
Annapolis High School, often abbreviated to 'AHS', is a high school in the Anne Arundel County Public School system. It is integrated with educational programs such as International Baccalaureate (IB) and the Apex Arts Magnet Program. It prides itself on it's sports, such as it's Football and Women's Field Hockey teams. AHS has had multiple incidents of violence in the past but is often spoken of fondly by the student body. It is currently located at 2700 Riva Road.
Recent History
The Removal of Panther Hour
After the 2022-2023 school year, beloved Annapolis High Principal Patrick Gelinas was transferred to Broadneck High School and new administration took over AHS. During the summer of 2023, many changes were made to the Anne Arundel Public School System, one of which was the choice to keep the previously in-tact one hour long free period system (lovingly titled Panther Hour), or to instead opt for assigned lunches and one 30 minute free period. When the new schedule was announced about 2/3rds of the way through the summer, the student body became furious. Annapolis High was the only AACPS school to have a shortened free period, and many believe it is because Annapolis High is only a few doors down from the Anne Arundel County Public School offices. Petitions were created by students and parents to bring back the old schedule. Countless Instagram accounts and online forms were made in protest, but nothing seemed to change the decision.
The Bus Shortage
During the 2021-2022 school year AACPS had a bus driver shortage, resulting in less after-school buses for free transportation. There were way too many people assigned to each bus, meaning if a student got to the bus too late they would have to stand in the center walkway the entire drive to their stop. Often kids would sprint to their buses as soon as the bell rung or would sneak out early just to get a seat on the bus.
The 2022 Bathroom Mosh Pit
On one of the last days of the 2021-2022 school year, male students started a "mosh pit" in one of the upstairs men's bathrooms. Loud music was played in the hallway by a massive group of students before they retreated into the bathroom, where they jumped up and down - which is not the definition of moshing - and danced to the music until administrators shut the 'party' down. That same week, a shrine to American Musician duo Twenty-One Pilots was found in the downstairs men's bathroom by the cafeteria.
Goth Wednesday
Goth Wednesday was a niche tradition started by a previous student at AHS as well as previous Annapolis High World History teacher Courtney Buchheister, lovingly nicknamed 'Ms. B' by students. On Goth Wednesday, which was every Wednesday, participators were to wear all black to receive a goth-themed sticker from her in her classroom during free periods. Mostly members of Zine Club - a club she created and hosted in her classroom - and students of hers participated. Goth Wednesday lives on through the 5 remaining members of Zine Club and new underclassmen. An "Alternative Music and Fashion" Club is now being pioneered by Zine Club member and Goth Wednesday enthusiast Nevaeh Henson.

Older History
The Anchor
In the 1980s, the Annapolis Senior High School newsletter was called "The Anchor". An archive has been started here: The Anchor - Annapolis High School Newsletter