Annapolis Wiki Development

From Annapolis Past Port

Development hub for Annapolis Wiki.


The purpose of the Annapolis Wiki Development page is

  • to identify bugs that are being worked on
  • to announce changes

Please use the discussion page to suggest changes, new features and to bring new bugs to the attention of the developers.

Recent Changes

  • Enabled PDF, MP3, and MP4 uploads
  • Make links open in New Page
  • Can play media files
  • Security - only registered users can edit and only once email verification is complete
  • Modify Display Title "My wiki: About"
  • Add to manage multiple user accounts
  • Logo on top left (Only appears in MonoBook and Vector skins)
  • Added several "Guidelines" pages
  • Added Copyright/Licensing options

Bugs Being Worked On

The following bugs/problems have been identified and are being worked on by the developers:

  • Metadata - find a way to add information to uploaded files or when file is originally uploaded - date photo taken, copyright status, source (who took photo, or what collection it came from)
  • Format for text content
    • No specific tenses, just refer to what perspective (from the journal of so and so)
    • Standardization of texts?
    • Based on feedback from curators