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Guidelines for Uploading Files

From Annapolis History Wiki

Uploading a photo or other type of file (mp3, pdf, mp4, etc.) is easy! Click on the Upload file link that is always displayed on the left sidebar under Tools. Multiple files can be uploaded by dragging and dropping into the "Drop files here" area above the editing workspace.

Uploading Photos

Photos can be uploaded in many files types, including .jpeg, .png, .jpg and .tiff. When uploading a photo, please try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Provide a description of the photo - as much as you know - who, what, when and where the file came from.
  • Please indicate copyright status of the photo – if you don’t know, there is an option for that! Right under the summary box is a drop-down menu for copyright. Please select the option that best fits.
  • Please try to upload photos in as high a resolution as possible, preferably at 600 dpi, and no more than 5,000 pixels on the longest side.

Uploading Documents

You can also upload documents - letters, menus from restaurants, posters or any other documents you may have. Documents may be uploaded as image files (.jpeg, .png, .tiff, etc.), or they may be uploaded as PDFs. When uploading documents, please try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Provide a description of the document - as much as you know - who, what, when and where the file came from.
  • Please indicate copyright status of the document – if you don’t know, there is an option for that! Right under the summary box is a drop-down menu for copyright. Please select the option that best fits.
  • Please try to upload documents in as high a resolution as possible, preferably at 600 dpi, and no more than 5,000 pixels on the longest side.

Uploading Audio Files

If you have audio files (MP3s), you can upload them as well! When uploading audio files, please try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Provide a description of the audio file - as much as you know - who, what, when and where the file came from.
  • Please indicate copyright status of the audio file – if you don’t know, there is an option for that! Right under the summary box is a drop-down menu for copyright. Please select the option that best fits.

Uploading Video Files

If you have videos, they can be also be uploaded! If your video is already uploaded to Vimeo or Youtube, you can just embed the existing video (see below for how to do that). When uploading videos, please try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Please convert any videos to .mp4 or .mov before uploading.
  • Provide a description of the video - as much as you know - who, what, when and where the file came from.
  • Please indicate copyright status of the video – if you don’t know, there is an option for that! Right under the summary box is a drop-down menu for copyright. Please select the option that best fits.

Using Your Uploaded File

Once your file has been uploaded, you can put it into your article! When editing your article, click the embed file button on the toolbar at the top (the 4th one from the left). Clicking this button will prompt you with several options. First, enter the name of the file you uploaded (for example, dog.png). If you want to add a caption, you can do so in the "caption" box. The "Size" box will allow you to change the size of your file, if applicable. The "Align" box will allow you to choose where on the page your file will appear- on the left side, the right side, in the center, or no specified alignment. Finally, the "Format" box will allow you to choose is you want your file to appear as a thumbnail, framed, frameless or with no options, if applicable. Once you have entered in all the necessary information, just press "Insert" and voila! Your file should appear on your page!

Embedding Videos Uploaded on Other Sites

Embedding videos you've already uploaded is easy! There are two ways to embed videos. Th first way would look like this:


All you have to do is replace "url" with the link to your video!

The second way would look like this:


All you have to do is replace "service" with the video hosting service (Such as youtube), "id" with "id=" and then the link to your video. "Dimensions" is an optional field, and can be used to alter the size of your video. "Alignment" is another optional field, and lets you use "left", "right", "center" or "none" to choose where on the page your video appears. Finally, "description" allows you to add a caption below your video. All three of the optional tags (Dimensions, Alignment and Description) can be used with the first method. All you have to do is put bars ( | ) between the URL and the options.

For any additional help, contact us at annapoliswiki@gmail.com!

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