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James Brice House

From Annapolis History Wiki
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In April 1767, a cornerstone, inscribed “the Beginning”, was laid, marking the beginning of the construction of the Georgian-style mansion of James Brice, a lawyer, Maryland Executive Council member, and Acting Governor of Maryland [1]. He chose to celebrate the event with rum, documenting this in the extensive ledger he kept on the house’s construction [2]. During the construction of the James Brice house, James Brice carefully documented the materials and procedures used to build the house, providing a detailed account of its construction [2]. Brice’s family would keep the house until the 1870s [1].


The James Brice House is located in Downtown Annapolis, at 42 East Street, on the corner of Prince George Street and East Street. Its coordinates are 38.97936805395385, -76.48715569644168 [3].

Restoration Project

The house was purchased by the State of Maryland in 2014, and it is now managed by Historic Annapolis, Inc. The restoration project began in 2017. The project is being filmed and documented by Make Your Mark Media.

The James Brice House under renovation, August 2022
The James Brice House under renovation, August 2022
The James Brice House under renovation, August 2022
The James Brice House under renovation, August 2022


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historic Annapolis. “The James Brice House: A Brief History.”, Historic Annapolis, Accessed 21 August 2022, https://www.annapolis.org/contact/james-brice-house-history.
  2. 2.0 2.1 White, Meghan. “A Cup of Rum and Other Reasons One of Annapolis' Greatest Historic Houses Is Worth Celebrating”, The National Trust For Historic Preservation, 16 April 2018, https://savingplaces.org/stories/a-cup-of-rum-and-other-reasons-one-of-annapolis-greatest-historic-houses-is-worth-celebrating#.WtUW0kxFyCg.
  3. Google Maps, “42 East Street, Annapolis, MD.” Google Maps, Accessed 21 August 2022, https://www.google.com/maps/place/42+East+St,+Annapolis,+MD+21401/@38.9792547,-76.4874279,45m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89b7f64ee3181743:0x42fd2d770aef064!2s42+East+St,+Annapolis,+MD+21401!3b1!8m2!3d38.9793603!4d-76.4871741!3m4!1s0x89b7f64ee3181743:0x42fd2d770aef064!8m2!3d38.9793603!4d-76.4871741.
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